Teacher Criteria
Criteria for Teacher Recognition by ESOI
- Teacher application will be considered along with the Institution’s application. Teacher accreditation in isolation independent of Institute accreditation is not allowed (except for additional teacher from an already accredited institute)
- Teacher should be working full time in the institute to be considered as a teacher for the ESOI course.
- Teachers must devote at least 50% of their professional time in Extracorporeal Life support & critical care.
- Teacher should be a Life Member of ESOI.
- Teacher should be a post graduate degree with MCI recognised qualification – MD, MS, with at least 8 years of experience in critical care medicine or anaesthesia or cardiac surgery or chest medicine post MD/MS qualification, in a recognized major hospital.
- Teachers with a MCI recognised Post Graduate Diploma-DA (Diploma in Anaesthesia) or DTCD (Diploma in TB and Chest Diseases), with at least 10 years of experience in critical care medicine after MCI recognised Post Graduate Diploma, in a recognized major hospital.
- The teacher should have formal qualification in Extracorporeal life support like Fellowship.
- The teacher should be actively involved in extracorporeal life support management for more than 5 yrs.
- The teachers must have undergone ECMO training course from extracorporeal life support organization or from ESOI or from Glenfield University, Leicester or from SWAACELSO or from equally recognised course.
- To be an ESOI fellowship teacher it is expected for the Teacher to have at least two original articles publications in peer reviewed journal.
- After a teacher has left an institute he cannot take a new student in another institute for one year from the time of leaving the previous institute.
Responsibilities of Teacher
- Faculty members should be primarily committed to the program’s area of focus and have a clinical practice that supports areas of special skills.
- Members of the teaching staff must be able to devote sufficient time to supervisory and teaching responsibilities.
- They are responsible for the day-to-day activities of the program at that institution, with overall coordination by the program director in accordance with the goals and objectives of the fellowship.
How to Apply
- The institution will apply on a preformed Performa available on ESOI web site to the ESOI secretariat (annexure III).